My two cents

The Quabbin was necessary to the growth of a city but was morally wrong. Many of us in the united states take for granted that we live in such a great and free country. In the united states, we are given clean drinking water, something some third world nations can only dream of. The people of this nation don’t have to worry about drinking water because we have people working in government to make sure we have it. So we created the illusion that just because the problem doesn’t affect us that we don’t need to worry about it. At least until it hits home. That exactly what happened in the 1930’s to Boston. The city was facing a severe water shortage because of its massive growth in population. The city leaders looked for a way to make sure the capital could sustain its self so they turned to the poor swift valley. The people were forced by the government to give up the property that was legally owned by the people. These poor people were cast aside by the government after they were given money based on what the government thought their assets were worth.  Compensation or not the property of their people were stolen by the government. Their cemeteries were defaced and their loved ones who were already lied to rest were moved to cemeteries with space enough to hold them. The people lives were forever altered, their memories were stripped, and dreams shattered.

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